Monday, November 28, 2011


My Thansgiving was fairly unproductive and boring.  On Tuesday night I had volleyball practice from 5-7 p.m. I had a few injuries from practice and I was sore for the next couple of days.  That night my friend Drew came over and we played COD MW3, watched television, and ate. I slept a lot that night because I was tired from volleyball and a long week at school.  I woke up around 10 a.m. and watched television for most of the day.  My brother and his friend were already plotting their Black Friday attack of Target.  They wanted me to drive them and I said sure because I had nothing better to do.  Wednesday was a lazy day and nothing got accomplished.  Thursday was Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is the best holiday in the world because you get to eat a lot, watch football, and sleep.  These are the three best things in any guy's life and it is all wrapped up in one convient holiday.   My aunt and my grandma came over to my house for Thanksgiving dinner.  For dinner we had: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls, brussel sprouts, apple pie, and pumpkin pie.  I was full after the dinner, therefore it was time for football.  All the teams that I wanted to win did not.  I usually watch football with my dad, but this year everybody came and watched football with us.  This however turned out to be unfortunate for me because I could not have my favorite seat.  I had to sit on the ground which was not fun.  The next three days were a blur so I will just give the interesting parts.  I took Jake and his friend Black Friday shopping.  We went to Steak n' Shake at 2 in the morning.  My aunt and her roomate came over the next day and we watched OSU lose which was a terrible feeling.  On Sunday, I watched the Bengals win in an exciting close game.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Modest Proposal Questions

1.  He makes the author of A Modest Proposal come off as witty and very intelectual.  He shows that the author knows how to solve all of Ireland's problems, but on the othere hand he is doing it sarcasticly.

2.The author's real thesis is that the people of Ireland need to do better to provide for themselves and take a stand against England.  If they keep living the way they are, they will surely die.

3.I detect differences between the propser and the author when he suggests that we eat the babies as the solution to the problem.  That was absurd so I knew he had to be joking.  This is the point of the story where it starts to get ironic.

4.A lot of people are singled out including old people, young children, and England.  He does not like the beggers at all.  He thinks they should be doing something better with their life.  The Irish are also to blame because they are not doing anything about their current situation.  His alligence lies with Ireland but he is becoming fed up with the people there.  He identifies himself as poor, but not a begger.

5.The essay does give some serious proposals such as saying that Ireland needs to get their act together if they want to survive into the next decade.

6.  This is organized by age of solution.  First he talks about babies, then young children, and then old people.  The purpose of the last paragraph  is to say that if he could help out he could, but he is poor so he unfortunately he can't.

7.  swift's piece is very successful.  I do ot think that the satire becomes overpowering, it strengthens the moment.  I think that it has a big enough impact because this is the first time that we hear an actual solution.

8.I have no idea about the different types of satire, but I know he used satire threoughout the essay explaining to use some ridiculous solutions.

9.It is an understatement because the proposal is not modest at all, it is a very radical proposal.  It is verbal irony for the same reason.

10.  Throughout the essay there is irony.  Especially when he is coming up with "solutions" to the problems of babies and the elderly.  This is also how he uses sarcasm.  It works out very well.

11.It is telling Ireland that they need to fight back in order for them to get what they want.  England is suppossed to be the big guys and Ireland the weaklings.  It also has something to do with civil rights.

Logos:  When is talking about the number of people in Ireland and explaining how the population breaks down by age and gender.

Pathos:  There is not that many places he uses pathos, but one place is when he is suggesting that we eat babies.

Ethos:  The last paragraph he is using ethos.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I want a wife responses

1. Does this essay have an explicitly stated thesis? If so, what is it? If you believe the thesis is implied, paraphrase it in your own words. 
 -No, this essay does not have a stated thesis.  I believe the thesis is that she wants someone to do everything a wife does for her.

2. Throughout the essay, Brady repeats the words “I want a wife.” What is the effect of this repetition?
 -The effect of this repetition is that it tells the reader everything a wife does that men take for granted.  It shows them that there are a lot of responsibilities that a wife has.

3. Brady never uses the personal pronouns he or she to refer to the wife she defines. Why not? 
 -She never uses personal pronouns because she does not actually want a wife, these are just the responsibilities that she has as a wife.

4. Do you think Brady really wants the kind of wife she describes—does this ideal spouse
actually exist? Explain why you think Brady wrote this essay. 
 -She probably would like to have a wife that does everything stated in the essay.  This ideal spouse does not exist, but when you love someone enough they come pretty close to it.  I think Brady wrote this essay because she is tired of having the womanily responsibilities around the home and wants to go to school to learn and be higher up in society.

 5. How does Brady define what it means to be a “wife”? How does she organize the many services a wife provides her husband and family? What do you think of Brady’s characterization of a wife and her responsibilities? How do you think she wants her readers to respond to this characterization? Why?
 -Brady defines it to be a wife as doing things around the home such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children.  She organizes the services a wife provides chronologically in what needs to be done first, second, etc.  Her characterization of a wife is pretty spot on.  She wants readers to resond in a sympathetic way and feel sorry for women by portraying them as slaves.

6. Write a letter to Brady responding to “I Want a Wife.” Let her know what you admire or don’t admire about the essay and the extent to which you consider it effective and/or persuasive. 
-Dear Mrs. Brady, I personally didn't admire your essay, I somewhat took offense to it as a guy.  I think you should stop complaining about your responsibilities as a woman and as a wife and get back in the kitchen to make some sandwiches. 
This is the way society is, so you should get use to it because it isn't going to change.  This is still true today, 40 years later.  I did however find it effective on weaker people.  They could feel sorry for women and try and do something about it.  It was clever how you used satire to say that you don't really want a wife.  Goodbye, Ben  

7. Write your own piece entitled “I Want a/an X.” You can use Brady’s essay as a model, and in the process, imitate some of her stylistic techniques. Or, alternatively, write an essay about the role of a “wife” in the early twenty-first century, explaining how a wife’s responsibilities complement and are complemented by those of a spouse.
-I want a sister. I want a sister that obsesses about how she looks every second of every day trying to impress her so called “friends”.  I want a sister that screams and yells at the top of her lungs when she doesn’t get what she wants.  I would love it if my sister did that; I would think to myself “She is handling her problems like such an adult right now.”  I want a sister that dresses like a stripper at school and thinks that she is more important then everybody else.  I want a sister that will make me food at a moment’s notice and will do anything I say.  I want a sister that doesn’t think independently an thinks what everybody else is thinking.  I want a sister that is dumb, that gets bad grades in school and doesn’t even care about them because someday they will marry some rich guy and grades won’t matter then.  That is the kind of sister I would be proud of.

Monday, November 7, 2011


A light switch is a very useful tool.  It makes turning on and off lights a breeze.  Without the light switch we would have to spend an extra ten seconds looking for another way to turn on or off a light.  Ten whole seconds!  That is too much time to be spending, looking for a way to turn on or off a light.  I bet Thomas Edison would be amazed with what we can do from his simple invention.  We have whole shows just dedicated on light and Edison was the first person to invent the incandescent light bulb.  The way a light switch works is that when the light switch is on the circuitry is all connected and the electricity can flow, when it is off then there becomes a break in the circuits which cuts off the flow of electricity.  It is a very cool invention that people take for granted every day.

Friday, October 28, 2011


One Halloween evening, I was walking through a cemetery and tripped on a tombstone.  When I got to my feet, I noticed that when I fell, I accidently moved the top of the grave.  I went over to put the top back on, but when I looked in the grave, there was nothing there!  Suddenly, something tapped me on the shoulder.  As I turned around in fear, I was terrified to find a zombie.  I ran from the cemetery as fast as my feet could carry me and returned to the safety of my house.  The house was set up for Halloween so it had fake blood, candy, and pumpkins everywhere.   My brother tried to scare me when I came in the house my saying boo, and while wearing an evil looking monster mask.  It did not work as usual, so I went to the kitchen to get some pumpkin pie.    I got on the computer and went on YouTube.  As I was watching a hilarious video my computer sparked and died as an orange ghost flew out of the monitor.  I was done with scary Halloween stuff for the day, so I decided to go to sleep.  The End

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Letter from a Birmingham Jail They say/ I say

1.  In the first paragraph they are saying that MLK's statement was "unwise and untimely" but then MLK comes back and says "Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas.".  He is saying that he does not have to respond to every critic that comes his way and he is right.

2.On the bottom paragraph of the second page, it is talking about how the action of MLK and his associates have taken in Birmingham is untimely.  He comes back saying that the new Birmingham administration  must be prodded about as much as the outgoing one, before it will act.  They are talking about the upcoming election for the mayor of Birmingham.

3.In the middle of page 3, they are saying that they express a great deal of anxiety over the black people's willingness to break laws.  MLK fires back stating that there are two types of laws: just and unjust.  He is basically explaining that the "laws" that his people are breaking are unjust so it should not be held against them.

4.In the first paragraph on the fourth page, they are saying that what they are doing is just and there is nothing the black community can do.  He says that he wants people to obey the 1954 decision of the Supreme Court, for it is morally right.  He also wants them to disobey segregation ordinances, for they are morally wrong.  He wants the African-Americans to be treated equally because it is morally right.

5.In the first paragraph of page six, they are saying that the activity in Birmingham as extreme.  MLK says that he is disappointed that the fellow clergymen would see his nonviolent efforts as those of an extremist.  He is saying that the clergymen is taking his nonviolent approach to solve an enormous issue as extreme and that is not the case at all.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Exercise 2

In the Introduction to "They Say/ I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein provide templates designed to help young writers learn the basics of writing a persuasive argument paper. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer a guide to students about writing a fantastic paper and knowing how to write a paper that makes sense.  As the authors themselves put it, "Again, none of us is born knowing these moves, especially when it comes to academic writing.  Hence the need for this book.".  Although some people believe that people should be able to be creative with your writing and people are naturally talented, Graff and Birkenstein insist that this is not the case and you need this book to learn how to write.  In sum, then, their view is that people need to be taught how to write properly.  I agree with their opinion.  In my view, the types of templates that the authors recommend help students in writing papers and just nudges them into writing a well written paper.  For instance, this essay I am writing currently is based on a template and I feel it is going well.  In addition, I needed to be taught how to write in order for me to get to where I am today academically.  Some might object, of course, on the grounds that you are taking away kids freedom of speech and creativity.  Yet I would argue that they are only providing guidelines for the paper instead of denying their ideas.  Overall, then, I believe that templates help kids write papers- an important point to make given this is based on a template.

Exercise 1

Abortion, to many people is the equivalent to murder.  They see that taking a life away before it is fully developed is the same as killing a neighbor or classmate.  However, to others, this is not the case at all.  On the contrary, an unfit teenage soon-to-be mother that doesn't want a kid should be able to have abortion as an option.  The truth is, there are two very different sides of this issue and it is a controversial topic.  In this essay, then, closely analyzing the two sides of this heated debate and clearly show that abortion should be an option for women.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This I Beleive

I didn't wash my car last month
I read an essay about how this guy did not wash  his car last month and how he won't do it next month because it does not pass his rocking chair test.  The way the test works is that when he's an old man looking back to what he was about to do, would he regret it?  Washing the car did not pass the rocking chair test, therefore he did not wash his car.  This is an interesting philosophy of life.  I both agree and disagree with his philosophy.  It is important to do what makes you happy but at the same time, washing your car, dusting, and overall boring things need to be done.  It only takes half an hour, so it isn't that much time to give up.

A dog's life
This essay was about how a young boy learned how to be responsible by getting a dog.  When the boy was ten years old he convinced his mom to let him get a dog.  It was a beagle and his name was Buster.  Buster and the boy came to be great friends.  The boy walked Buster twice a day, petted him, played with him, bathed him, and loved him.  Buster taught the boy how to be responsible at a young age.  Now that the boy has grown up, he believes that every child should have a dog because it teaches them responsibility.  Buster also did not have a care in the world and didn't let anything bother him.  Buster taught the main character not only how to be responsible, but how to live life.

Be cool to the pizza delivery dude
In this essay, a woman explains the four philosophies she has pertaining to the pizza delivery dude.  Those four principles are humility/forgiveness, empathy, honor/honest work, and equality.  These are all good principles to live by.  She basically is saying that you shouldn't flip off the pizza delivery dude in traffic or make fun of him behind his back.  He is an honest dude trying to make a few extra bucks to live by.  Everybody has one of those jobs eventually. There was a good metaphor and it was "in the big pizza wheel of life, sometimes you’re the hot bubbly cheese and sometimes you’re the burnt crust. It’s good to remember the fickle spinning of that wheel."

Thursday, September 22, 2011


There was a flash of white light and then they were gone.  I stood there not believing what I just saw.  This was the beginning of something enormous.  Before I can tell you what it is, let's go back a couple days.

My friends Allen, Mike, and Lisa, and I were in science class learning about the science of time.  Lisa raised her hand and asked if time travel was possible.  The teacher, Mr. Smith, said that time travel is absurd and could never work.  He then went into a rant and started to prove that time travel was impossible and wasted the entire period.  Lisa, Mike, Allen and I were still very curious if time travel was possible.

The next night everybody came over to my house to do some research.  We stumbled upon a website that told us how to build a time machine.  The only part that was missing was a power source.  No one has every been able to time travel because of the lack of the correct power source.  We went on anyways and started to build the time machine in my basement. 

We finished fairly quickly and then stepped back to look at our work.  Then, everybody started to admire the work closer.  When Lisa got close to the time machine it started to turn on.  Everybody jumped and asked how she did that.  She did not know.  Lisa did this a couple more times and then I figured out what was happening.  I stated that Lisa's earrings had a very rare stone in them.  This was the power source!  Everybody got ready to go back in time by a week, but there was a problem.  Someone needed to stay back in case aything happened.  We did nose goes and I ended up losing because I was not paying attention.  Mike, Allen, and Lisa stepped into the time machine all holding hands and then a flash of white light wmerged from the machine and they were gone.  Then I realized that they did not know how to get back! THE END 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


There once was a friendly unicorn named George.  George loved to do all sorts of activities and unicorn games such as: sleeping, eating, ring toss, and pin the tail on the human.  George and his friends play all day and then go home each night to sleep.  One night, George did not come home.  George's parents called the unicorn police to report their missing son.  The police took to the sky in search of any site of George.  George's friends told the unicorn police that they just saw him when he was walking home, but that was all.

The search went nowhere for days.  George's parents were losing in hope that they would find their loving unicorn son. His parents did not know what to do with themselves.  George's mom started looking at his baby pictures and holding his blanket from when he was little.  His dad wept every night in hopes that their little boy would return home safely. 

The very next day, George's parents looked out the window and saw a shadowy figure on the horizon.  They ran outside to see it was their son.  George looked like he had not been missing for a week and had a smile on his face as he was trotting towards his parents.  When they finally embraced their son, George's parents asked their son where he had been.  His response was, "I was at unicorn camp.  Remember, you send me there every couple of years.  Did you think I was missing?".  George's parents, feeling embarrassed, quickly shook their head and said, "No honey, not at all." 

That night they all played games and ate cookies by the fireplace as if nothing had happened.  THE END

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My least favorite season is winter.  The bitter cold combined with pain staking work of shoveling the drive way every time it snows make life unbearable at times during the season.  There is one good thing about winter though: snow days!  We usually have three or four snow days a year, depending on how lenient the superintendent is and how bad the road conditions are.  This is an example of my perfect snow day.

First, it has to be on a Friday that we are supposed to have school and then we have no school on Monday because of a teacher day.  That means we would have a four day weekend!  Next, I would sleep in until eleven.  Then I would go downstairs to look out the window into a winter wonderland.  I would go watch T.V. and then play PS3 until I got bored.  Next, I would go with my friends to go sledding down the biggest hills in Columbus and stay outside until we got extremely cold and couldn't bear being outside any longer.  Then we would go back to my friends house and play board games and such until dinner.  After, I would have my favorite meal and then sit in front of the television some more.  Then I would make a fire in the fireplace to sit in front of and get warm.  Lastly, I would fall asleep knowing that we didn't have school the next day.

That would be my perfect snow day.

Monday, September 19, 2011


One hot,sticky, summer day in San Antonio, Texas; there was a fifteen year old boy and his family on spring break.  This young, handsome boy's name was Ben.  He had always wanted to go to San Antonio because of the diverse culture and amazing cuisine.  What he did not know is that he would have one of the best vacations of his life.

The first night in San Antonio, Ben and his family went to a new barbecue place on the ever so famous River Walk.  The food was fantastic, but it wasn't what Ben expected.  He wanted more Mexican cuisine.  The next day Ben's family went to a famous Mexican restaurant and he had tortilla soup because he had watched a movie on tortilla soup in Spanish class the week before.  This was what Ben was looking for!

Ben's mom had booked this trip months in advance and did not know that the 2010 Women's Final Four was being held in San Antonio.  Ben and his family are huge sports fans and they really wanted to go to the game.  Eventually, they ended up  going to the game.  The seats were bad at first so Ben and his brother moved into a new seat in the second row at half court.  It was the best chair in the house.  I had a fantastic time and I will never forget my trip to San Antonio.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ten Abilities

1. Smart
2. Quick
3. Caring
4. Honest
5. Trustworthy
6. Courageous
7. Kind
8. Thrifity
9. Brave
10. Obedient

If I applied these abilities to my everyday life, my life would be signifigantely different.  I would be able to do any thing I wanted without being having the fear that people would laugh at me.  It would make me feel confident in my work.  It would also make everybody want to be my friend.  I posses all of these abilities, but I need to apply them to my liffe in order for them to be useful.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Helen Keller's Narrative Response

This narrative only changes my view on her a little bit because I have studied Helen Keller's life throughout my schooling.  I have read books, watched movies, and discussed between my peers about her extraordinary struggle with words.  When she finally realized that everything has a name, that  must have been one of the best days of her life.  Her world finally had meaning again and she now yearned for knowledge.  I thought that the line that compared her life to a ship in fog was very moving.  I could visualize her being lost in a sea of fog and then when she learned that everything has a name a beam of light shone through and was guiding her towards greatness.  Helen Keller is a remarkable women and she should be remembered as someone who persevered through her disabilities and as a role model.