Thursday, September 22, 2011


There was a flash of white light and then they were gone.  I stood there not believing what I just saw.  This was the beginning of something enormous.  Before I can tell you what it is, let's go back a couple days.

My friends Allen, Mike, and Lisa, and I were in science class learning about the science of time.  Lisa raised her hand and asked if time travel was possible.  The teacher, Mr. Smith, said that time travel is absurd and could never work.  He then went into a rant and started to prove that time travel was impossible and wasted the entire period.  Lisa, Mike, Allen and I were still very curious if time travel was possible.

The next night everybody came over to my house to do some research.  We stumbled upon a website that told us how to build a time machine.  The only part that was missing was a power source.  No one has every been able to time travel because of the lack of the correct power source.  We went on anyways and started to build the time machine in my basement. 

We finished fairly quickly and then stepped back to look at our work.  Then, everybody started to admire the work closer.  When Lisa got close to the time machine it started to turn on.  Everybody jumped and asked how she did that.  She did not know.  Lisa did this a couple more times and then I figured out what was happening.  I stated that Lisa's earrings had a very rare stone in them.  This was the power source!  Everybody got ready to go back in time by a week, but there was a problem.  Someone needed to stay back in case aything happened.  We did nose goes and I ended up losing because I was not paying attention.  Mike, Allen, and Lisa stepped into the time machine all holding hands and then a flash of white light wmerged from the machine and they were gone.  Then I realized that they did not know how to get back! THE END 


  1. It is a good lenth story, and entertaining. The ending might have been a little abrupt.

  2. Uh oh! The perils of time travel :) Fun story; just keep working on those details
