Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My least favorite season is winter.  The bitter cold combined with pain staking work of shoveling the drive way every time it snows make life unbearable at times during the season.  There is one good thing about winter though: snow days!  We usually have three or four snow days a year, depending on how lenient the superintendent is and how bad the road conditions are.  This is an example of my perfect snow day.

First, it has to be on a Friday that we are supposed to have school and then we have no school on Monday because of a teacher day.  That means we would have a four day weekend!  Next, I would sleep in until eleven.  Then I would go downstairs to look out the window into a winter wonderland.  I would go watch T.V. and then play PS3 until I got bored.  Next, I would go with my friends to go sledding down the biggest hills in Columbus and stay outside until we got extremely cold and couldn't bear being outside any longer.  Then we would go back to my friends house and play board games and such until dinner.  After, I would have my favorite meal and then sit in front of the television some more.  Then I would make a fire in the fireplace to sit in front of and get warm.  Lastly, I would fall asleep knowing that we didn't have school the next day.

That would be my perfect snow day.


  1. I like how you start out with Winter being your least favorite season. It tells you righr away your going to be reading something that has to do with Winter time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sounds like a good way to spend a snow day
