Friday, October 28, 2011


One Halloween evening, I was walking through a cemetery and tripped on a tombstone.  When I got to my feet, I noticed that when I fell, I accidently moved the top of the grave.  I went over to put the top back on, but when I looked in the grave, there was nothing there!  Suddenly, something tapped me on the shoulder.  As I turned around in fear, I was terrified to find a zombie.  I ran from the cemetery as fast as my feet could carry me and returned to the safety of my house.  The house was set up for Halloween so it had fake blood, candy, and pumpkins everywhere.   My brother tried to scare me when I came in the house my saying boo, and while wearing an evil looking monster mask.  It did not work as usual, so I went to the kitchen to get some pumpkin pie.    I got on the computer and went on YouTube.  As I was watching a hilarious video my computer sparked and died as an orange ghost flew out of the monitor.  I was done with scary Halloween stuff for the day, so I decided to go to sleep.  The End

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